Support for Decoding In

L2 Decoding Overview

Today most L2s lack visibility into how they settle on the Ethereum base layer. Blocknative solves this by decoding L2 contract calls on - enabling developers to have direct access to L1 settlement.

Optimism Decoding

In-App Simulations

Transaction Protection

Built for Developers

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Bancor Logo

Built for Developers


We know how important your wallet's UX is so we built our suite of tools to be fully customizable.

Themable elements and powerful customization improves technical productivity so you can focus on what matters most. Blocknative products are open-source, easy to integrate, and up to date with the latest protocol changes. Our dedicated team is backed by a powerful community and regularly ships updates.

Decoding on Ethernow Gives your Ecosystem:

Real-time batch transaction decoding
& developer API access

Ethernow will display details on each transaction (such as from/to, gas info, method signature, and more) within each of your L1 batch Rollups as well as summary info on each batch (such as parent hash and total transaction count). This is the case for both pending and confirmed transactions.
Decoding on Ethernow Gives your Ecosystem:

Real-time batch transaction decoding & developer API access

Use Case

Optimism L2 Decoding 

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What is

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for traders icon
Seamlessly Connect to 40+ wallets

Blocknative’s Web3 Onboard is an open-source library that enables dapps to easily connect 40+ wallets, preview transactions, deliver real-time notifications, and more through a great developer UX.

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Simulate Transactions In-App

Capture, normalize, and enrich in-flight transaction data for unmatched data coverage and sub-transaction resolution.

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Notify Users in Real-Time

Powered by our mempool API, we radically simplify integrating live transaction event data streams into your dapp. We capture every state change for every transaction, including pending, stuck, failed, dropped, sped up, cancelled, and confirmed. 

Globally, in real-time, and 24x7.  

Learn more

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Display Accurate Gas Prices

Save your users money with the industry's most accurate gas prediction tool. By predicting gas fees based on real-time data and predictive modeling, there is a 16% average reduction in max fee.

Learn more

USDT-ETH Uniswap


  "status": "confirmed",

  "monitorId": "GETH_1_F_PROD",

     "monitorVersion": "0.82.2",

  "timePending": "18769",

  "blocksPending": 2,

  "pendingTimeStamp": "2021-04-29T16:43:07.754Z",

  "pendingBlockNumber": 12336509,


  "from": "0x977A553DCf6025C876375706F2B98818414910dA",

  "to": "0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D",

  "value": "0",

  "gas": 197838,

  "gasPrice": "104000000000",

  "gasPriceGwei": 104,

  "nonce": 2148,

  "blockHash": "0x931e057c93e8b752fb2f2c35aa144bd8e1442000db923edc381360cf02a8d8fe",

  "blockNumber": 12336511,

  "transactionIndex": 49,

  "v": "0x26",

"s": "0x32511db119370e26893135d1e87e2cb2fdfe524aca4e8edb795ffdf3c353fc6f",

For Traders

Power your trading strategies with real-time mempool data — the easy way.

Use Blocknative's end-to-end suite of developer tools to incorporate real-time mempool monitoring into your project.


The stakes – and the risks


Visualize transaction streams and prototype strategies now with Mempool Explorer.


What others are saying

Ellipse 18 (2)
Dan Elitzer

If you’re a builder or user of DeFi protocols and you aren’t paying attention to the mempool, you’re flying blind.

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Calvin Liu

@blocknative are masters of the mempool - the most opaque yet critical step in processing a blockchain transaction

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Taylor Monahan

"Check the mempool.”
That Is literally the problem.
Now, before you blow up on me...

Ellipse 18 (4)
Zach Krasner

Remember 10 years ago when a package delivery was just a black hole with no info on estimated delivery? That’s where Ethereum gas is today, but @blocknative’s introducing a game changer

Ellipse 18
cl Ξ m

As we've seen in the past week good gas price oracle solutions are critical to the ecosystem, really glad to see this from Blocknative ... OpenZeppelin Defender will include it in its gas price oracle pool

Ellipse 18-1
Jonathan Alexander

As we've seen in the past week good gas price oracle solutions are critical to the ecosystem, really glad to see this from Blocknative ... OpenZeppelin Defender will include it in its gas price oracle pool

Bring This To Your L2

We are excited to talk about bringing this tooling to your ecosystem.
Please join our discord to contact us.