Blocknative Year In Review - And What's Ahead

Blocknative Ethereum Web3

Blocknative has come a long way since we launched at ETHDenver 2019 in February. Our team is excited by the progress we have made.  As 2019 wraps up, we want to take a moment to talk about where we are as a company – and what's next for 2020.

What Is Blocknative?

During 2019, we had the opportunity to get involved with the blockchain community at several events, including ETHDenver, Web3 Summit, MetaCartel Demo Day, DappCon, ETHBerlin, Devcon V, San Francisco Blockchain Week, and more. Along the way, we learned that many members of the ecosystem are familiar with Blocknative but were not sure about what we do.  This was not much of surprise given how rapidly our business and the surrounding ecosystem has evolved in 2019. 

In response, we recently created this quick video if efforts to clarify what we do, who we do it for, and why our capabilities are relevant to you and your blockchain-based business:


Blocknative is a venture-backed startup that builds infrastructure for Web3. We are focused on real-time blockchain transaction monitoring. And, given that focus, we have become specialists in the mempool. Because real-time blockchain notifications are complex but crucial for engaging users on Dapps and Wallets. 


Notify is infrastructure for real-time transaction notifications. To provide accurate and real-time notifications, we operate a global network of Ethereum full nodes — capturing the mempool in real-time.


We capture, cleanse, and enhance the data to make it useful. And this enables developers to consume Notify as a rich API, a flexible SDK, or an easy to use JS framework.

  • The Notify API is built for robust engineering organizations. It delivers real-time notifications for Ethereum transaction state changes via POSTs to your webhook.
  • The Notify SDK is built for larger Dapp teams. It provides an extensible, but easy to work with framework for your front-end to communicate with the Notify API.
  • Notify.js is built for smaller Dapp teams and indie devs. It delivers real-time notifications in your Dapp via a lightweight widget. It’s the easiest way to access Notify.

You can learn more about Notify in Blocknative’s developer docs. And if you want to see how to get started with Notify — you can explore our developer screencasts: 



Do you want to help users connect to your Dapp and transact with ease? Onboard.js is Blocknative’s open-source Dapp onboarding solution that helps users get from no wallet to their first transaction.


It’s a flexible framework that lets you support the wallets you want, customize the look and feel, and keep users in the loop as their transaction moves from Pending to Confirmed. 

You can dive deep into Onboard.js in the docs or with Blocknative’s developer screencasts: 


Diving Deeper

Over the past year, we have published nearly 30 blog posts — covering product updates, case studies, and deep dives into core concepts within the blockchain industry. In addition to that, we’ve presented at a number of industry events:

Web3 Summit: Matt Cutler and Tom Nash on Developing for Engagement

Pillar Project Interview with Matt Cutler



Our Top 3 Case Studies

While we published nearly a dozen case studies this year, three resonated most with the community:

Helping People Make Sense of Blockchain

Our posts exploring different facets of the crypto ecosystem were by far our most widely read content of 2019. We are excited by the industry's reaction to our exploration of these subjects – and how others built on top of what we published. These were our top three reads of 2019: 

Working with Great Partners

Our roadmap is shaped by our customers and partners. After launching our Beta at ETHDenver, we worked closely with our customers to evolve our infrastructure. In particular, we focused on creating more composable assets to give developers the flexibility they needed to build great products.

We believe that working with great partners is crucial to building products that solve real problems. We are always on the hunt for those magic three words: "I want THAT!" 

Just Getting Started

Blocknative is just at the beginning of our mission to provide the most robust real-time transaction infrastructure to the entire Web3 community.  We are excited to work with great customers and partners partners – like you! – as we make progress against our ambitious roadmap in 2020. 

Observe Ethereum

Blocknative's proven & powerful enterprise-grade infrastructure makes it easy for builders and traders to work with mempool data.


Want to keep reading?

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Blog Nav Post

Mempool Archive Quickstart: How to use Blocknative's historical Ethereum mempool data to analyze private transactions, MEV, and OFAs

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Connect with us. Build with us.

We love to connect with teams who are building with Blocknative. Tell us about your team and what you would like to learn.

"After first building our own infrastructure, we appreciate that mempool management is a difficult, expensive problem to solve at scale. That's why we partner with Blocknative to power the transaction notifications in our next-generation wallet."

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